Thursday, May 10, 2007

Amazing day

Today was incredible - the weather was PERFECT!! Ava tried out her new pool and her new red wagon from Nannie. We played outside for much of the day with Grandma & Grandpa who are visiting from Florida. The wagon is a HUGE hit. She sat still for the longest time while we fiddled with the seatbelt and was so excited and in total awe of this big red thing that moves. She had this look on her face that was priceless. Unfortunately we don't have a huge area to pull it and just go back and forth for 50 feet or so but for now she is super happy and completely enthralled.

Baby knee pads....genius!

Since Ava is crawling everywhere these days and killing her poor little knees and shins I thought I'd get her some knee pads.....who knows, by the time they mail them to me she may be walking and I'll have no use for them!

I got her 2 different styles.....

Get your swim on!

Here she is in her new pool we picked up at Target yesterday. Of course I was more excited about it than she was. Oh well, I'll probably be dragging her out of it kicking and screaming in a few more months!

Today's weather reminds me of what is so great about L.A.

Brand new, shiny blog!

Let's see.....this is probably my 6th blog I've started in a year and a half and probably not my last! I decided I needed a new one to document Miss Ava's life since the old blog has been having some major issues and crashing every single time I try to update.

Soooooo, let the photo explosion begin!